When Should Someone with Dementia Go Into a Care Home?

resident with loved one

Those living with dementia may need assistance with daily tasks at the start of their diagnosis which will more than likely increase to around-the-clock care as that person's dementia progresses. Support then may be required with personal care such as washing, getting dressed, eating, and everyday tasks.

With increased levels of care, friends and family of an individual living with dementia may find everything quite challenging and overwhelming. This may mean that a move to a care home might be the best option. Moving someone into a home that provides dedicated dementia care can have a positive impact on not only the individual with dementia but also their loved ones. 

We understand that making the decision to move yourself or a family member into a care home can be a tough one. We have explained below that someone living with dementia should go into a care home that has been designed to support people living with the condition. 

residents holding cup

Withdrawing from Social Opportunities

Living with dementia can become lonely due to the nature of the condition, and relationships can be strained as a result of the changes and confusion that the individual is going through. Moving a loved one into a care home that specialises in dementia care means they will have the opportunity to socialise with others in similar situations. An Activity Coordinator in a care home will ensure that there are suitable activities for people with dementia to get involved in and enjoy.

Finding it Difficult to Provide Support and Care

As dementia progresses, family members that are at-home carers might find it increasingly difficult to provide their loved one with the care they need. As a person's dementia worsens, it might be in their best interests to move into a care home due to being surrounded by professionals that can provide the nursing care that they need. Care homes that offer specialist care employ dedicated teams of professionals who can offer dementia residents an improved quality of life. Care professionals will always go the extra mile to ensure that residents are living a fulfilled life and also that they have the consistent care they need.

Personal Welfare at Risk

Of all the challenges someone with dementia may face, one of the most daunting ones is their safety. Due to the nature of dementia, those with the condition may no longer understand what is dangerous and what isn't. One of the many benefits of living in a residential home is having a safe environment. Living in a care home that has been built specifically for dementia residents means that they will be in a safe environment but also in an atmosphere that is carefully created to suit a dementia resident, this includes reduced sound and special lighting.

Additional Support for Friends and Family 

Dementia not only affects individuals with the condition but it also affects the people surrounding them. Many families find it difficult to deal with the condition as it progresses over time. Residential care homes can provide emotional support for not only the person living with dementia but also their family and friends. Dedicated dementia care homes are fully equipped to not only provide practical and emotional support, but their professional guidance too. Most care homes will provide additional support for the friends and family of their residents with dementia so they can get the reassurance and advice they need, and so that the care home can best support those living with dementia.

Social Isolation

A person with dementia can often get confused with everyday interactions and these individuals often end up feeling anxious and stressed in the environment that they are in. Moving a loved one into a care home can really help a person living with dementia make the most of their lives every day. Being in a residential setting doesn't mean that they will lose their independence, they will just be surrounded by the support they need. Care homes that offer dementia care will often provide activities and therapies that encourage confidence and promote independence, from group activities to afternoon tea with a family member.

Seeking Additional Help

Caring for someone at home with dementia can be a full-time job. You're not only dealing with their condition, but you are also looking after their personal care, property and financial affairs (depending if you have legal power for that person's financial decisions). Over time, you might come to the decision that the best option for both of you is to move your loved one with dementia into a care home. Residential care homes are equipped to give their residents the care they need by being surrounded by a team of professionals. These care staff are dedicated to understanding each person with dementia and doing all they can to support them and their loved ones.

Nurse With a Apron on

Dementia Care at White House Care Home

White House Care Home acknowledges that every individual with dementia is unique and while some may only need minor assistance in their daily lives, others may require more significant support. Our care home warmly welcomes residents from all backgrounds and we treat everyone with the utmost compassion. Our professional care services are customised to suit each individual circumstances, ensuring they receive the highest quality care.

We take pride in providing a secure and nurturing setting for all our residents, including those living with dementia. Our care home in Hertfordshire has been thoughtfully created to offer a comfortable and stress-free environment, allowing residents to move around the home with ease and confidence. We offer numerous in-house amenities such as art and craft sessions, private gardens and an activities programme that enables residents to pursue their hobbies and interests.

White House Care Home is a newly refurbished and managed nursing home located in Letchworth Garden City, in the north of Hertfordshire. Our care home provides exceptional levels of Residential Care, Dementia Care, Nursing Care and Respite Care provided by a highly-trained team that is available around the clock.

The wonderful staff at White House goes above and beyond in all they do, working with our residents who live with dementia and their families to discover activities and therapies that are suited for their unique requirements. We promote individual well-being through positive and enjoyable experiences for all.

Our aim is to provide the highest quality of life for all of our residents. Our residential care home accommodates up to 50 residents in luxury en-suite bedrooms and our care home boasts an intimate, homely and boutique feel where residents will be able to continue their hobbies and live a fulfilled life thanks to facilities such as our café, hair salon and more.

Get in touch with us

If you would like to find out more about White House Care Home and how we can support you and your family, then please get in touch with us today by email at info@whitehousecare.co.uk or by telephone at 01462533777.

Alternatively, you can complete our contact form and we will get in touch with you directly as soon as possible.

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